Sudahkah Indonesia Sungguh Merdeka?An Indonesian take on Frantz Fanon’s “Black Skin, White Masks.”Nov 13Nov 13
Wollstonecraft dan Ketidakadilan GenderLet women and their struggle for emancipation increase in this writing, whereas I decrease.Nov 7Nov 7
Habermas dan Krisis LegitimasiA [most likely inaccurate] summary of one of Habermas’s important notions: legitimation crisis.Nov 5Nov 5
On Truth (My Final Post)Truth. Perceptible, yet not entirely within our grasp. For we are at its mercy.Feb 13, 2023Feb 13, 2023
The One and the Many: A Short Reflection on Neoplatonism and ChristianityThe locus of Neoplatonist thought is its hierarchical system of reality, otherwise known as the hypostases. In his Enneads, Plotinus…Jan 6, 2023Jan 6, 2023
Notes on Reader-Response HermeneuticsThis article gives a simple explanation on the textual interpretation according to the perspective of the reader.Nov 27, 2022Nov 27, 2022
Notes on the Judeo-Christian BibleThe Recording and Transmission of Divine Revelation in the Hebrew BibleNov 13, 2022Nov 13, 2022
Notes on Reformation, Martin Luther, and “Wittenberg Altarpiece”Reformation and Martin LutherOct 8, 2022Oct 8, 2022
In Search of Pure TranscendenceThis article answers the challenge of theologizing after atheism by describing two unpopular theological streams in the discourse of…Sep 30, 2022Sep 30, 2022