Lumbanbatu KorneliusThe One and the Many: A Short Reflection on Neoplatonism and ChristianityThe locus of Neoplatonist thought is its hierarchical system of reality, otherwise known as the hypostases. In his Enneads, Plotinus…Jan 6, 2023Jan 6, 2023
Lumbanbatu KorneliusThe Problem of Revelation in Catholic Dogmatic TheologyDoes God reveal himself in order to make himself known and take a place within our rationality? Or does he instead reveal himself in order…Aug 21, 2022Aug 21, 2022
Lumbanbatu KorneliusThe Logic of the Revelation of GodThis revelation itself is what draws.Aug 21, 2022Aug 21, 2022
Lumbanbatu KorneliusRevelation, Christ, and Saturated PhenomenonJesus expects the hearer to be a witness, to expose and proclaim what he [the hearer] has seen: the mysterion appearing as such, even and…Aug 21, 2022Aug 21, 2022
Lumbanbatu KorneliusPhenomenology of the TrinityChristian theology draws both its originality and its difficulty from the fact that it thinks unity on the basis of unicity. But why must…Aug 21, 2022Aug 21, 2022
Lumbanbatu KorneliusLogic of Manifestation in Contemporary Theology of the TrinityIn this article, I attempt to analyze Jean-Luc Marion’s logic of manifestation in its relation to two popular theories of the Trinity in…Aug 22, 2022Aug 22, 2022